The Day In Liverpool

-30 Oct 2014


Este artículo está escrito por un niño, un heredero más del legado que podamos dejar, dejad que los niños lleguen al rock, diríamos los más fervientes, disfruten de este humilde, sencillo pero con mucho cariño sobre la visita de un niño y su familia a la casa de John Lenon.


The day in Liverpool

By Josue



This is a story all about mum, dad and I when visiting Liverpool. I hope you enjoy it!


1. On the train

2. John Lennon’s house

3. The museum

4. The way home


Chapter one

On the train

One day in an early morning all of us, mum, dad and I woke up. We put all our clothes on. This was the day we went to Liverpool, after we did that we had a quick snack, and then we went on the car to city centre. We got to the train station at about 7am.

Then we went in a beautiful trip. After we got off we were in Liverpool dum dum dumm.


Chapter two

Visiting John Lennon’s house

We arrived to John Lennon’s house; it was the most beautiful house I have ever seen! It was a happy feeling for three of us, especially for my mum and dad who used to listen to the Beatles music.

I like this pic! This is me posing in front of John Lennon’s house, just like he did in the early 1950s


Chapter three

After visiting strawberry fields near John Lennon’s house, we took the bus but not to the station but to the museum. There were many interesting things to see. We really enjoyed it, especially the planetarium.


Chapter Four

After spending half of our day at the museum we decided to stop by a famous bar ‘The cavern’ a very famous place as it was where The Beatles started to play and later became one of the most influential band in the world. Here there a few pictures of us inside this place.


After this noisy experience, we then were ready to go back to our city, “Birmingham”. We took the train back to Birmingham we all were very tired but very happy, it was such an interesting day.
The thank you
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it! Xx
Written by Josue Sierra Barbosa




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